Babar Ali Malik

Senior MEAL Manager Action Against Hunger
PKR 370,000 / month
November 16, 1986

About Candidate




MSC Development Economics 2010-2011
University of Glasgow UK

GPA 3.5/4.0 Dissertation: Evaluated the relationship between Democracy and Economic Growth for India and China, analyzed data with multiple linear regressions via SPSS software. Distinction: Glasgow University Postgraduate Excellence Scholarship & Graduated with post-graduate merit

BSc (Hons) Business Management 2006-2010
Forman Christian College University Lahore

CGPA3.5/4.0 Distinction: Graduated with Cum Laude Honors Award in Bachelors Program & Forman Christian College Talent Scholarship

Work & Experience

Senior MEAL Manager Jan-2024 - Present
Action Against Hunger

Worked as a MEAL consultant for the Pakistan Mission of the Organization. Developed and coordinated the quantitative and qualitative tool and analysis for activity reporting. Designed M&E systems, streamline the M&E department for effective function of data capturing, collation, and employ it for course correction. Overseen MEAL requirements for various humanitarian projects including Health, WASH and DRR for donors including French Embassy, UKAID,ECHO and EU. Key Accomplishment • Ensured the integration of MEAL with programs teams to facilitate evidence-based data collection. • Acted as technical focal person to evaluate proposal and add to the effectiveness of the write-ups hence writing winning proposals. • Led the documentation and incorporation of the lessons learned and best practices in the project implementation. • Championed the development and effective management of complaints and feedback mechanism at the country office level.

Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator (Expatriate Position) Jan-2023 - Sept-2023
iMMAP, Kabul Afghanistan

Worked as a MEAL Lead for 80 million (usd) USAID funded program of Humanitarian Assistance Project (01-IM-D3R-). Lead the country's team reporting and monitoring activities with a particular focus IM support and data collection and interpretation mechanisms for UN Clusters and national implementing partners. Develop M&E system to track progress against indicators target and develop data flow systems to feed indicators. Key Accomplishment • Developed system and mechanisms to ensure the seamless flow of information for the reporting in a timely manner as per organization requirements. • Led the documentation and incorporation of the lessons learned and best practices in the project implementation. • Ensured that other documents project documents produced are of the required quality in form of language, data visualization, clarity, objectivity and pertinence. • Champion the development of knowledge products and communication material at the country office level.

M&E Officer April 2021 - Dec-2022
World Health Organization

Led the sexual and reproductive health and rights division in the WHO M&E team to develop robust and comprehensive M&E system for the project reporting. Worked closely with Ministry of Health and developed national M&E system to capture, collate and analyze data for reporting. Key Accomplishments • Developed strategies and guidance for the project monthly, quarterly and annual reports at the Country Office Level. • Coordinated and engaged the provincial teams to collect information for the monthly reporting. • Produced monthly reports covering findings, challenges, results and risks and submitted it to the cluster lead. • Collected the financial and progress related data and developed dashboards to track and interpret progress.

M&E Specialist Feb-2016 - March-2021
Development Watch

Worked to develop M&E system for a DFID funded project on technical agricultural training to the rural farmers and skill-based training to the rural unemployed youth by making them the part of the local economy. Design and revise reporting forms, data collection tools, performance indicators, and training materials for the system by closely working with the technical program leads. Identify opportunities to present findings and data to colleagues contributing to the decision-making and strategic planning processes. Examine and create research and evaluation studies to capture the impact of project outcomes. Key Accomplishments • Closely worked with the senior leadership team to ensure that all communication materials and policy briefs are updated with credible data. • Act as a supplier and facilitator for data provided to the third-party validation and evaluation teams. • Act as data focal point for qualitative and quantitative data, analyzed data and presented it in the reports for reporting and course correction.

MEAL Fellow Jan-2015 - Jan-2016
Pyxera Global HQ, USA

Established result-based framework and performance indicators for clear representation of JIVA project outcomes and track progress for rural infrastructure development under JIVA project in India. Achieved desired results by designing M&E Framework/tools for various projects. Key Accomplishments • Assured smooth flow of data and ensured data quality standards by Data Cleaning and Validation Check, Documentation of Data Procedures & Quality Assurance Procedures for field Teams. • Document Value for Money in the overall programme approach. • Effectively created M&E system for JIVA project in India funded by John Deere foundation and DOME project in Kazakhstan funded by USAID under enterprise and community development division. • Facilitated various projects in Mozambique, Ghana, and India funded by corporate clients, such as IBM and Pfizer under Global Pro-bono and international corporate volunteerism division.

M&E Coordinator Dec-2013 - Dec-2014
Aga Khan Development Network

Integral role in producing written materials, including progress reports and project management plans. Built synergies with senior management of the project and Aga Khan Foundation to create progress reports, success stories and evaluation studies while following donor requirements. Led result-based monitoring of project interventions in irrigation frame and value chain development, progress reports, case studies, and success stories. Established integrated and robust M&E system for multifaceted project interventions and presented reports to USAID and AKF members. Key Accomplishments • Positioned to oversee 20M USD Project, funded by USAID and update progress against the standard indicators mentioned in the PMP while coordinating with AKF and implementing partner AKRSP. • Developed outcome and output level success stories and case studies to gauge the impact of the project deliverables. • Competently designed field data level collection tools to assure data inflow from grass-root level while meeting monitoring and evaluation needs of the project/organization. • Increased agriculture and horticulture productivity by multifaceted intervention in rural infrastructure, value chain development, business development, and policy reforms.

M&E Manager Sept-2012 - Dec-2013
Aga Khan Development Network

Facilitated the program staff in designing implementation strategies and project management plans and delivering progress reports of EELY funded by DFATD. Established M&E systems for youth leadership development, employment creation-based intervention, and other project at regional level, such as LEP, Community Infrastructure projects funded by PPAF, and SEED funded by Italian Embassy to ensure clear and realistic representation of information to donors, beneficiaries and other project stakeholders. Ensured in-time availability of information and data management plans while coordinating with various project stakeholders. Key Accomplishments • Leveraged keen eye for details to assess information from primary and secondary sources for creating case studies and, directing result-based monitoring of project interventions on semi-annually and annual basis. • Delivered training for the youth beneficiaries and implementing partners while acquiring feedback of participants through semi-structured questionnaires. • Formulated mini-research thesis on pre-post disaster situation of the flood affected villages in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral by utilizing quantitative and qualitative research methods.




Three Days Training on Cost Benefit Analysis of Agri-Projects 2013